Tai Chi Class in Santiago de Cuba – Video

Tai chi class in Cuba

If you’ve ever seen a group of people moving in exquisitely graceful dance-like exercises in your local park, gym, or community center, you have witnessed the ancient Chinese arts of Tai chi or Qigong. These ordinary people are improving their health, strength, balance, concentration, and mental well-being—and they are having fun while doing it! Tai chi class in Cuba Now with BEST Programs on the upper patio of the Cathedral of Santiago de Cuba you can enjoy…

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Best Programs Presents Videoclip ‘Inside Cuba Today’

The video is the idea and creation of the talented Cuban artist and photographer Waldo Regueiferos, and opens another door to Best Programs in its inclusion of Havana and Santiago de Cuba as low-cost packaged destinations. Jill Arcaro, founder of BEST and a finalist for the Innovation in Educational Programs Award GoAbroad in 2015, said today that the video´s intention is to expand cultural knowledge of Cuba to the public. Dance, music, Spanish, Thai massage, art studies…

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