Marketing internship in Madrid, Spain

marketing internship in Madrid, Spain

by Jessica Vaughn “I have got to be absolutely insane. How did I convince myself that this was a good idea? This may have been one of the top three worst decisions I have made in my 21 years of life. I don’t speak Spanish very well. I don’t know anyone on that side of the Atlantic. And I have never stepped foot off US soil.” This soliloquy was stuck on repeat the night before I left…

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Au Pair Experience: Choose to Soar

by Laura Albrecht As I sat with my feet dangling in the pool, watching night fall over Madrid and listening to the noises of Calle Acamar 17, I noticed the bats swooping down from the sky over my head. They make a fast dive straight down at the surface of the pool, and at the last minute they turn upward, saving themselves from an icy plunge. I had been in Madrid for a month now, and these…

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Au Pair: Become a Walking Sponge

walking sponge

by Tisha Hall I put my luggage down and stepped out onto the verandah overlooking the suburban neighbourhood that would be my home away from home for the next three months. I couldn’t help but pat myself on the back: “Well done! You did it!” I had left my job, apartment, family, friends (and cat) – my life as I knew it – behind and traveled across the Atlantic Ocean to a foreign land. It would be…

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