Special offer: Come with a Friend

special offer

Come with a Friend – Receive up to 150 USD discount according to the duration of your stay. All participants that come with a friend can take advantage of this special offer. Participants who come in pairs and do not have lodging included, can share a room and save. We will additionally give you up to 150 USD discount per registration in our internship program in Spain, Brussels, Belgium or Italy (Palermo – Sicily) for 3 months…

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Steps to Adapting to Working and Living Abroad – Part 2

By Jill Arcaro Gordon What are you doing to achieve your dream? How can you make it happen? By actively embracing your goals with calm clarity, you can create a new standard which will give you different, and better results, in every aspect of your life. Working and Living Abroad Below are two more (of many), helpful tips you can adopt to strengthen your clarity and use that state to develop greater personal fulfillment abroad. If you…

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Steps to Adapting to Working and Living Abroad – Part 1

By Jill Arcaro Gordon When I worked in the registrar’s office of Boston University during my studies there and I cried every day. I did not know my professional or personal goals at the time and if I had I would not have known how to achieve them. I just knew I felt stifled, bored and on a dead-end road. Today I have come to realize that I was actually in the right industry (education) but in…

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The Way of Son and the “Septeto Santiaguero”

(Ver más abajo versión en español) Musicologists dilute the origin of Cuban musical genre, son, by attributing its appearance throughout the entire eastern part of the island.  There are even those who contend some remote first appearance in the West along with other fallacies such as the final burial place of Micaela Gines, Pascual de Ochoa and other freed slaves that according to the author, Alejo Carpentier, composed the Son of Mateodora, erroneously considered the first son…

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Optional Excursions in Cuba

excursions in cuba

Have a look to our Excursions in Cuba. You can make them during your internship in Cuba! Best Arts Excursion: A Look at the Arts in Santiago de Cuba BEST Trinidad Excursion Best Nature Journey: Santiago de Cuba landscape Best’s Excursion into Spirit and Religion in Santiago de Cuba Best Arts Excursion: A Look at the Arts in Santiago de Cuba Santiago de Cuba is probably the most important city for the arts in Cuba. Due to…

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Marketing internship in Madrid, Spain

marketing internship in Madrid, Spain

by Jessica Vaughn “I have got to be absolutely insane. How did I convince myself that this was a good idea? This may have been one of the top three worst decisions I have made in my 21 years of life. I don’t speak Spanish very well. I don’t know anyone on that side of the Atlantic. And I have never stepped foot off US soil.” This soliloquy was stuck on repeat the night before I left…

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