Trainees and Interns for Companies in New York City-New Jersey Area

Attention all​ ​Human Resource Managers!

Our organization, BEST Programs, places international students and entry-level candidates in the professional sector for educational purposes to acquire experiential development within their field of study. Our candidates are extremely motivated individuals who have practical experience in an international environment.

Trainees and interns for companies

BEST Programs offers participating companies a cultural and educational-work exchange between students, graduates and postgraduates. Normally, candidates work up to 40 hours a week for a period between 6 and 18 months in either an internship or trainsee-ship. Candidates are interviewed and placed depending on their qualification, skill-set and experience.

Interns for companies in New York City

Placements are covered by the US Department of States´ J-1 visa exchange which is processed by the Spain-US Chamber of Commerce in NYC. Companies are not charged by BEST Programs for the selection and referral of interns/trainees; the participant is responsible for any fees required by the State Dept. and BEST. We truly believe in creating an apprentice-like experience between the participant and company which is mutually beneficial.

If your company feels solidarity with a policy of formation and socio-cultural exchange, we currently have placement applicants throughout the world who have experience in the fields of finance, accounting, administration & hospitality.  Specifically, in the areas of interest listed below we have 10 other candidates available for trainee-ships (up to 18 months and extendable).

Predominating sectors include:

  • Business Administration
  • Io-Technology
  • Engineering
  • International Commerce
  • International Relations
  • Customer Service
  • Educational fields, such as EFL and others
  • Financial Departments
  • Graphic Design
  • Sales and Marketing
  • Public Relations
  • Journalism
  • Technology
  • Tourism
  • Translation
  • Law

We also want to encourage you to look at our website.

Julia Peterson – USA Representative


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